Steackhouse, Farmhouse e B&B in Forino – Avellino

Privacy Policy

Tenuta Monte Laura / Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The purpose of this document is to inform Users about the Personal Data collected from the website
(hereinafter “ Application “).

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The Data Controller, as subsequently identified, may modify or simply update, in whole or in part, the present
Information by giving information to Users. Changes and updates will be binding as soon as they are published on the Application.
The User is therefore invited to read the Privacy Notice at each access to the Application.
In case of non-acceptance of the changes made to this Privacy Policy, the User is required to cease using this
Application and may request the Data Controller to Remove their Personal Data.

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1. Personal Data collected by the Application

The Owner collects the following types of Personal Data:

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A. Content and information provided voluntarily by the User

Contact details and contents : these are Personal Data that the User voluntarily provides to the Application during his
use, such as personal data, contact details, access credentials to the services and / or products provided, interests and preferences
personal and other personal content, etc.

Personal data collected from social media : Users can share data communicated to social media with the application.
The user has the right to control і Personal Data to which the application can access when he allows access to his
social media accounts and via the privacy settings available on the social media in question. By associating managed accounts
from social media with the application and by authorizing the owner to access such data, the user gives consent to the acquisition, al
processing and storage of data provided by said social media in accordance with this Privacy statement,

Failure by the User to provide Personal Data, for which there is a legal, contractual or if any
constitute the necessary requirement for the use of the service or for the conclusion of the contract, will make it impossible to
Owner to provide all or part of their services.

The User who communicates the Personal Data of third parties to the Data Controller is directly and exclusively responsible for their origin,
collection, treatment, communication or dissemination.

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B. Data and content acquired automatically during the use of the Application

– Technical data : the computer systems and software procedures used to operate this Application may
acquire, during their normal operation, some Personal Data whose transmission is implicit in the use of the protocols of
internet communication. This information is not collected to be associated with identified Users, but for the
their very nature, could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow the identification of
Users, This category includes IP addresses, о і domain names used by Users who connect to the Application,
the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used in
submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained, etc.

Usage data : Data relating to the use of the Application by the User may also be collected, such as
pages visited, actions performed, functions and services used.

Geolocation data : the Application can collect location data, which can be precise or inaccurate. | Data
precise on the position can be GNSS data (Global Navigation Satellite System, for example those GPS), in addition to the Data that
identify the nearest repeater, Wi-Fi and bluetooth hotspots, communicated when products or features are enabled
based on location.

C. Personal data collected through cookies or similar technologies

This Application uses cookies, web beacons, unique identifiers and other similar technologies to collect data on pages, on
links visited and other actions you perform when using our Services, within advertising content or emails. They
are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites at the next visit by the same User.

The User can view the complete Cookie Policy at the following address:

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2. Purpose

The Personal Data collected can be used for the execution of contractual and pre-contractual obligations and for legal obligations
as well as for the following purposes:

  • User registration and authentication
  • support and contact with the User
  • internal management of payments by credit card, bank transfer or other instruments
  • newsletter and mailing list management
  • sending email
  • profiling of characteristics, behaviors, choices of the User to provide personalized services or promotions
  • communication for own market research and surveys
  • design and / or implementation of commercial communication campaigns
  • remarketing and behavioral targeting and commercial
  • communication for own promotional purposes

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3. Processing methods

The processing of Personal Data is carried out using IT and / or telematic tools, with organizational methods and with
logic strictly related to the purposes indicated.

In some cases, subjects involved in the organization of the Data Controller may also have access to Personal Data (such as, for example,
personnel management, commercial area employees, system administrators, etc.) or external parties (such as companies
IT, service providers, hosting providers, etc.). If necessary, these subjects may be appointed
Data Processors by the Data Controller, as well as accessing the Users’ personal data whenever necessary e
they will be contractually obliged to keep Personal Data confidential.

The updated list of Managers can be requested by email at

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4. Legal basis of the processing

The Owner processes Personal Data relating to the User if one of the following conditions exists:

  • the User has given consent for a о more speci fi c purpose
  • the processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which the Data Controller is subject

However, it is always possible to ask the Data Controller to clarify the concrete legal basis of each treatment.

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5. Place

The Data is processed at the Data Controller’s operating offices and in any other places where the parties involved in the processing are located.
For more information, contact | Owner at the following email address or at the following postal address:
Pappalardo Agriturismo, Via Due Principati 85 – 83020 Forino (AV)

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6. Security measures

The Processing is carried out in a manner and with suitable tools to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the Data,
having the Data Controller adopted adequate technical and organizational measures that guarantee, and allow to demonstrate, that the
Processing is carried out in compliance with the relevant legislation.

7. Data retention period

The Data Controller will process the Personal Data for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes connected with the execution of the contract between the
Owner and User no later than 10 years from the termination of the relationship with the User and in any case until the completion of
statute of limitations established by the regulations in force.

When the processing of personal data is necessary for the pursuit of a legitimate interest of the owner, the personal data
will be kept until such interest is satisfied.

If the processing of Personal Data is based on the User’s consent, the Data Controller may keep the Personal Data until
revocation by the same.

Personal Data may be kept for a longer period if necessary to fulfill a legal obligation or by order of
an authority.

All Personal Data will be deleted upon expiry of the retention period. At the end of this term the right of access,
cancellation, rectification and the right to data portability can no longer be exercised.

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8. Automated decision-making processes

All collected data will not be subject to any automated decision-making process, including profiling, that it may produce
legal effects for the person о which may significantly affect him.

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9. User rights

Users can exercise certain rights with reference to the Data processed by the Owner. In particular, the User has the right to:

  • or withdraw consent at any time;
  • oppose the processing of your data;
  • access your data;
  • verify and ask for rectification;
  • obtain the limitation of processing;
  • obtain the cancellation of their Personal Data;
  • receive your data or have it transferred to another owner;
  • lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority for the protection of Personal Data and / or take legal action.

To exercise their rights, Users can direct a request to the contact details of the Owner indicated in this
document. Requests are made free of charge and processed by the Data Controller as soon as possible, in any case within 30

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10. Data Controller

The Data Controller is:

Pappalardo Agriturismo,
Via Due Principati 85 – 83020 Forino (AV)


Cookie Policy

Cookie policy

This website ( uses technical cookies to ensure the proper functioning of the procedures and improve the experience of using online applications. This document provides information on the use of cookies and similar technologies, how they are used by the site and how to manage them.


Cookies are small text files that the sites visited by users send to their terminals, where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites on the next visit. The cookies of the c.d. “Third parties” are, on the other hand, set by a website other than the one the user is visiting. This is because on each site there may be elements (images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages of other domains, etc.) that reside on servers other than that of the site visited.

Types of cookies

Based on the characteristics and use of cookies, different categories can be distinguished:

– Technical cookies. Technical cookies are those used for the sole purpose of “carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, or as strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide this service “(see art. 122, paragraph 1, of the Code). They are not used for other purposes and are normally installed directly by the owner or manager of the website. They can be divided into navigation or session cookies, which guarantee the normal navigation and use of the website; analytics cookies, similar to technical cookies when used directly by the site manager to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site; functionality cookies, which allow the user to browse according to a series of selected criteria in order to improve the service provided. The prior consent of users is not required for the installation of these cookies, while the obligation to provide information pursuant to art. 13 of the Code, which the site manager, if he uses only such devices, will be able to provide in the manner he deems most suitable.

– Profiling cookies. Profiling cookies are designed to create user profiles and are used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user while surfing the net. Due to the particular invasiveness that such devices may have within the private sphere of users, European and Italian legislation provides that the user must be adequately informed about their use and thus express their valid consent. They are referred to in art. 122 of the Code where it provides that “the storage of information in the terminal equipment of a contractor or user or access to information already stored is permitted only on condition that the contractor or user has given his consent after having was informed with the simplified procedures referred to in Article 13, paragraph 3 “(Article 122, paragraph 1, of the Code). This site does not use profiling cookies.

“Third party” cookies

By visiting this website ( you may receive cookies from sites managed by other organizations (“third parties”). An example is the presence of “social plugins” for Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn, or systems for displaying embedded (integrated) multimedia content such as Youtube, Flickr, Pinterest. These are parts generated directly by the aforementioned sites and integrated into the web page of the visited host site. The presence of these plugins involves the transmission of cookies to and from all sites managed by third parties. The management of the information collected by “third parties” is governed by the relevant information to which reference should be made. To ensure greater transparency and convenience, the web addresses of the various information and methods for managing cookies are shown below.

Facebook information:
Facebook (configuration): log into your account. Privacy section.
Twitter information:
Twitter (configuration):
Linkedin information:
Linkedin (configuration):
YoutubeGoogle + information:
YoutubeGoogle + (configuration): managing /
Pinterest information configuration
FlickrYahoo information html
FlickrYahoo (configuration) opt_out / targeting / details.html


Cookie analytics


For the sole purpose of monitoring and improving the performance of the site, a statistical analysis market product is used to detect access to the site. It may resort to the use of cookies, permanent or not, in order to collect statistical information and on the “unique visitors” of the site. Cookies, defined as “Unique Visitor Cookies”, contain an alphanumeric code that identifies the navigation computers, without however any collection of personal data.

Google Analytics

The site also includes components transmitted by Google Analytics, a web traffic analysis service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). These cookies are used for the sole purpose of monitoring and improving the performance of the site. For more information, please refer to the link below:

The user can selectively disable the action of Google Analytics by installing the opt-out component provided by Google on their browser. To disable the action of Google Analytics, please refer to the link below:

Duration of cookies

Some cookies (session cookies) remain active only until the browser is closed or any logout command is executed. Other cookies “survive” when the browser is closed and are also available on subsequent visits by the user. These cookies are called persistent and their duration is set by the server at the time of their creation. In some cases a deadline is set, in other cases the duration is unlimited.

Cookie management

The user can decide whether or not to accept cookies using the settings on their browser.
Attention: disabling all or part of technical cookies could compromise the optimal use of the site.
Disabling “third party” cookies does not affect browsing in any way.
The setting can be defined specifically for the different websites and web applications. Furthermore, browsers allow you to define different settings for “proprietary” and “third party” cookies. For example, in Firefox, through the Tools-> Options-> Privacy menu, it is possible to access a control panel where it is possible to define whether or not to accept the different types of cookies and proceed with their removal. On the internet it is easy to find documentation on how to set the cookie management rules for your browser, by way of example, some addresses relating to the main browsers are reported:

Internet Explorer: / en-us / windows7 / how-to-manage-cookies-in-internet-explorer-9

Last updated: 30/10/2020